Take your email communication to the next level

If you’re using Mailchimp or Constant Contact or even Silverpop, are you really getting the value for your spend?


Most Powerful Email Tool on the Market

In 2016, ACTIVE launched its premium email tool. Creating personalized content and campaigns within the email editor has never been easier. Drag and drop content blocks, html and css support and automatic tracking for emails are table stakes. 

Because the email tool is 100% integrated into our customer relationship management (CRM) in ACTIVEWorks®, it’s easy to select from a comprehensive list of insertable objects including individual name, team name, event start date, bib number and 20+ other fields. Each of these objects can be dynamically used at the time of your email send. No more management of unruly recipient lists. No more exports and imports of email addresses. It just works.


Managing Your Email Calendar

Timing and deliverability of emails is key to maximize open rates, and ideally, getting the viewer to engage with your call to action (CTA). If you have more than one event, do you have a long list of event launches, price change, registration close and/or event survey emails set as reminders? With the ACTIVEWorks® email tool, you can send emails on-the-spot, on a specific schedule or based on a specific activity you’ve already defined in your registration system.

With email triggers, set up rules days, weeks or months before an activity, such as registration opening or a price change, allowing you to cultivate and leverage excitement at that moment. If you need to change your event day or push out that price increase by a few days, there’s no need to go back in and change the email, your email will be sent based on your changes automatically.

Measuring Campaign Success

Do you have true end-to-end tracking for each campaign? With ACTIVE’s email tool, not only are the basics like open, click and unsubscribe included, but the ability to track registration counts and revenue values associated with email doesn’t require any work from the sender at all!

To create a retargeting campaign, it's a matter of a couple clicks to send an email to someone that may have opened the email but not clicked into content or registered for an event.

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